The positive effects of laughter

May 23, 2017

From Jorge D Faccinetti, cofounder – People with pituitary conditions, particularly those who suffered a long time before they received a correct diagnosis, often deal with a multitude of debilitating symptoms and related conditions.  For all people,

Making a difference

May 9, 2017

From Jorge D Faccinetti – cofounder Pituitary World News – In today’s podcasts we talk with Jill Sisco president of the Acromegaly Community, a leading acromegaly patient support group.  Our candid discussion centers around patient support,

Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen? What should I take? When?

May 3, 2017

Seems like the perennial question.  From the Cleveland Clinic comes this is handy infographic that compares the pain-relieving and fever-fighting abilities of acetaminophen and ibuprofen. They also compare side effects, toxicity and other risks. The graphic